Black Gold Quilt Patch Guild & Friends Present:
QuiltFest 2024 featuring Tara Evans of Taralee Quiltery

Friday October 18, 2024 - 10AM -6PM
Saturday October 19, 2024 - 10AM - 6PM
New this year: All quilters are welcome to enter QuiltFest 2024!
You do not need to be a member of the Black Gold Quilt Patch Guild to enter. See Call for Entry page for details.
Deadline for Entry September 16, 2024
Come, see and experience the excitement of being up close and personal to wonderful creative works of art and their creators! A two day quilt festival featuring a blend of traditional, modern and specialty quilts. Join us to see the workmanship of these works of art and mingle with the artists that made these quilts!
Featuring over 200 traditional and modern quilts and quilted items. Plus:
Market Mall
Door Prizes
Raffle Quilts
Bed Turning Demos
Visit our vendors to see and purchase the latest quilting supplies and materials. And much more!

Black Gold Quilt Patch Guild

The Black Gold Quilt Patch Guild was founded in Leduc, Alberta in 1995. We are a group of diverse people, sharing learning experiences of quilting, handed down from generation to generation, gathered to exchange ideas, and how-to’s and above all, becoming friends around a circle of joy and laughter, young and old.
We encourage quilting for the benefit of the community, making and distributing quilts where a need is found, through our Friendship Committee.
We meet the first Tuesday of each month from September to June, at 7pm at Telford House, 4907 46 St., Leduc, AB. Come and join us! All are welcome. Contact membership@bgqpg.com for more information.
Charities We Support
The Black Gold Quilt Patch Guild supports numerous charities and groups with their Friendship Quilts.
The Friendship Committee donates quilts on an ongoing basis to various charities, especially those that involve children. These include Ronald McDonald House, Zebra Child Protection Centre and Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Over the years we have donated many baby quilts for the preemies in intensive care at the Stollery Children’s Hospital We also donate to adult organizations such as Compassion House and Quilts of Valour. We also try to respond to needs in communities when disaster strikes, such as the fires in Fort McMurray and Lytton, B.C.
Please visit our charity partners to learn more about what they do!
zebracentre.ca rmhc.org shpbeds.org stollerykids.com compassionhouse.org quiltsofvalour.ca